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March 31, 2006


Allison Shields


Great!! Setting goals makes a difference, but the toughest part is following through. You should be proud of yourself for following through on your own - many of us need 'help' from others to stay on track with our goals. I'm glad you decided to get out there, whether alone or with friends.



Allyson, a while back you encouraged me to go to networking events with a friend since I was having trouble going by myself. Well, I set a goal of going to at least 3 networking events per month, and decided that it would be better to go alone at first so that I would be forced to talk to people I didn't know. I've been going to a lot more than 3 per month and have become a lot better at introducing myself to people and getting to know them. Now when I go with a friend, it's easier to talk to other people as well.

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  • Allison C. Shields
  • 631-642-0221

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