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November 06, 2006




We share similiar viewpoints on discounting fees. I know there has been alot of commentary on this. Please check out my blog and review my post "To Solos: Don't Discount Your Worth" which was featured in the Connecticut Law Tribune and on Law.com.

Allison Shields


Thanks for sharing your experience.

I agree, value should be the focus any time you are setting fees. But there will occasionally be times when you want to give a client a 'break' for one reason or another, and in those circumstances, I recommend providing an extra service of some kind, rather than discounting fees.



I agree with you about the risks of discounting fees. When I started my practice last year I wanted to be more cost effective (read "cheaper") than the likes of my former employer. The problem with that is that people tend not to value the work, even if it is subconscious, and I found myself running into problems recovering fees from people.

I think the solution is to rather focus on value and charge a normal fee for the work.

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  • Allison C. Shields
  • 631-642-0221

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