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September 04, 2007



Jeez, this is so important, and so basic, I can't even tell you. And, it doesn't matter WHAT job you have. It should be at the front of EVERY "job manual" in every occupation there is.

The sad thing is, I think each of us has to get burned, and burned badly, before we learn to do this. The good news is, it sinks in, and it sinks in deeply, after that first big burn. And usually, you don't get slapped in the face with a $5 Million law suit.

Nowadays, I don't even go to the fridge without a written agreement. On the other hand, it's a pretty smokin' fridge. Nevertheless, I have learned my lesson. But thanks for the reminder. . .we could all do to remember that the butt you cover first should be your own (unless you're a stripper, and you're working a pole, but that's another story for another day).

Warm Regards,


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  • Allison C. Shields
  • 631-642-0221

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