The Louisiana Supreme Court recently amended its rules of professional conduct, Rule 7, affecting advertisig for lawyers. The new rule is scheduled to go into effect on December 1, 2008 and can be found here.
Some of the prohibitions contained in the rule include prohibitions against:
- Portrayal of a client by a non-client;
- Re-enactment of scenes or events that are not "actual or authentic;"
- Portrayal of a judge or jury;
- Portrayal of a lawyer by a non-lawyer;
- Promises regarding results;
- Use of a spokesperson's voice or image that is recognizable to the public in the community where a radio or television advertisement appears; and
- Use of terms such as 'expert' or 'specialist' except in specific circumstances.
The rule also includes provisions regarding payment of fees to lawyer referral services, required language to be included in unsolicited written communications, and filing requirements for certain advertisements and solicitations.
If you practice in Louisiana, make sure you review Rule 7 before December 1, 2008.