Take a look at this post from Scott Gibson of the law firm Gibson Ferrin Riggs on new blog BiziBoom.com about Harry Beckwith's book, What Clients Love: A Field Guide to Growing Your Business. I highly recommend Beckwith's books, which also include Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing. As I mentioned in a previous post about planning, Beckwith's books are easy to read and chock full of advice that you can begin implementing immediately. Gibson recommends reading with highlighter in hand while asking yourself as you read how you can implement the ideas in your own practice - a suggestion worth implementing in itself.
One of the things I loved about the BiziBoom.com post was that Gibson not only read the book and implemented some of the ideas, but he passes the book along to his clients so that they can improve their businesses. That kind of service creates a completely different relationship between you and your clients. It shows that you care about them beyond the individual matter you're handling for them.
What new ways can you think of to demonstrate your value to clients?
Gibson says, "[I]n selling services we must focus on helping the client perceive the value of the services. Clients perceive value through their interactions with your company. If you want your clients to understand that your services are valuable, help them see that value." One way to help your clients see the value of working with you is to provide them with an exceptional client experience that goes beyond the confines of the representation.
(Hat tip to Lance Godard for alerting me to this post via Twitter).