Last week, I attended the 2009 National Solo and Small Firm Conference put on by the American Bar Association's GP/Solo Division. It was another opportunity to catch up with old friends, meet some 'virtual' friends in person, and make new connections who will hopefully turn into friends and colleagues in the future.
I was privileged to spend some time on Saturday evening with some of the General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division leadership, thanks to the generosity of the folks at the Total Practice Management Association (whose president, Kevin Chern, was my co-presenter on Saturday afternoon). Without exception, the GP/Solo leadership demonstrated their commitment not only to their own practices, but to other solo and small firm lawyers. And I think we were all especially charmed by the two fabulous boys of the division chair, James M. Durant III and his wife Karen. (The boys stole the show at dinner, and can carry a conversation better than a lot of lawyers I know).
Later in the week, I'll summarize some key points from some of the sessions I attended, but in the interim, check out Alan Klevan's post, Law Practice Management Tips - So Cal Style.
And my friend, Lisa Solomon, was generous enough to allow me to post one of her photos from the conference here. I'm on the far left with Alan Klevan, Lisa Solomon, Chelsey Lambert from Total PMA and Niki Black.
If you want to learn more about the CLE from the conference, you can access this year's ABA GP/Solo NSSF conference schedule and materials here.