The folks over at JDSupra have done a great job of compiling thoughts, predictions, wishes and tips from a variety of lawyers and legal professionals entitled, "Lawyers and Legal Professionals Looking Ahead to 2010" - I recommend that you take a look at them all, but here are some of my favorites:
I love Gerry Riskin's comment. Although he predicted the economic meltdown back in 2007, he now says, "I didn't say that 'Doom and Gloom' was an 'appropriate' response to economic challenges. 2010 is a year to conquer adversity....concentrating on opportunity instead of solving problems."
Larry Port from RocketMatter notes that we need to be sure we're connecting - and disconnecting - in a responsible way in 2010.
Jordan Furlong predicts that, "Clients will exercise more influence over how legal tasks are performed, delivered and sold." He also predicts the expansion of alternative fee arrangements, resulting in changes in how services are provided and costs are controlled.
Ed Poll reminds us that lawyers who know their clients wants and needs will be successful in 2010.
I chose to offer a wish, rather than a recommendation or a prediction for the New Year:
My wish for lawyers in 2010 is that they see the New Year as an opportunity to embrace innovation - to differentiate themselves, provide exceptional service to clients and change the way they practice law; doing things in a new way can help them boost their practice to a new level even before the economy turns around.
What do YOU think 2010 will bring for lawyers in general and for your practice in particular?
Merry Christmas!! A joyous holiday season to all -- here's to a happy, healthy and successful New Year!