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February 10, 2010



That was awesome! Probably one of the more interesting reads in awhile.

Attorney Temecula

Randi Busse

Client service is the responsibility of everyone in an organization, from the CEO to the janitor. If the CEO isn't walking the "client service walk" but only talking the "client service talk", employees won't be inspired to take care of the clients. The way the CEO treats the employees is the way the employees will treat the clients.
Policies and procedures are almost always all about the company and rarely about the customer.
Front-line employees are in a great position to provide feedback to management/owners on what is working and what isn't working. They're the ones that are typically touching your clients on a regular basis. Without your front-line staff, you wouldn't be able to run your business. Let them know how important and valuable they are to your organization. Your employees will reward you with their loyalty and that will surely be client-affecting!

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  • 631-642-0221

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