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June 07, 2011



Having a presence in social media allows you to have some control over the opinions of you that are posted to the internet. You can read more about social media and reputation management at Digital Firefly Marketing.

IT Company

Thanks for Sharing!!

Very informative blog on Social Media and Reputation Management

Allison Shields


While I agree that the combination of good client selection processes, setting expectations at the outset of the engagement and providing exceptional client service eliminates 90% (or more) of problems, there are some clients who just will not accept reality, and who have unreasonable expectations, despite saying that they understand that they may not get everything they want. Unfortunately, those are the same types of people likely to 'sound off' on the internet.

Randi Busse

Here's a thought: Take really good care of your clients and then you won't have to worry about what they are saying about you!

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