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January 11, 2012


Sean Carter

we have found that updating our document composition not only makes things looks better and helps us present our information clearer, but that clients also really appreciate it. Always an option to look at when dealing with any sort of documentation

Consumer Bankruptcy

An excellent submit thanks for the details as well as great read.

Musca Law

Job well done guys, quality information. DUI attorney Sarasota

Chris M

Thanks Loretta. Time59 (www.time59.com) is web-based time and billing software for solo lawyers.

recruitment software

Accounting plays very important role in law firm. The information you have provided is really useful for choosing a good accounting software. I read your blog occasionally and the blog is absolutely informative.

Legal interpreter

I respect your well-written and thoughtful content. You've really hit the mark with your original and bold views here. I agree with your views. Your readers are fortunate to have such interesting material to read.

customer relationship management

Great info thanks for sharing it.

Loretta Ruppert

Hi Helen,
Affordable is a word that requires more definition. When you are selecting a solution you need to consider the full cost of ownership which can include investment in hardware, software, maintenance fees, IT support to install and upgrade your software and hardware infrastructure and your time to get up to speed. The defining moment of truth is when you actually reap the benefits of feeling organized and in control of your law firm.

A web based solution sounds like the right choice, however you mentioned you'd like have it installed on a desktop too. If you are not comfortable going with a solution in the cloud, there are products in the market that are installed at your site, but have accessibility to information from a web application. It sounds like that would be your best solution. For example, I can talk to the solutions I know best. At LexisNexis products such as PCLaw and Time Matters w/Billing Matters are installed solutions and offer a web application to access information from mobile devices, tablets, etc. Some other popular solutions might offer a mobile app at an additional charge or often aligns with a 3rd party vendor to build the mobile app that integrates with their system.


sounds equally handy as http://www.thelegalassistant.com/ 's personal injury mgmt tool. could you please suggest an affordable tool including accessible from a mobile and also, can be installed on a desktop or a small system- laptop, notebook?

Steven J Fromm

Loretta: Do you have any suggestions for specific time and billing programs. I have and use and older Timeslips version, but their newer versions are not to my liking, too complicated and expensive. Any suggestions?

Rajeev M

Very informative information above. Thanks Loretta. Readers are invited to review CaseFox. CaseFox is a Web-based Time and Billing Software for tracking of your billable/non-billable hours and expenses, creating client invoices, recording payments, tracking case notes, managing case documents, monitoring unbilled hours, unbilled invoices and many other tasks.

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