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February 08, 2012


Jensen Mott

Very useful tips! My sister said she visited a law office in Morris, IL that was so organized. She said it made the whole process so much more pleasant. Thanks for sharing!

Allison Shields


This is an extremely common problem in law firms. Some firms have dealt with the problem by putting a file room manager in place who records when files are taken from or returned to the file room. Others have implemented an automated scanning system with bar codes. Still other firms have gone 'paperless,'scanning the entire file so that everyone has digital access and can print documents if necessary;this prevents loss of files and allows multiple users to access the same information at the same time.

Regardless of the system you put into place, you need to have compliance controls. I'm guessing you have little compliance with your current procedure because there is no enforcement mechanism and no consequences for those who fail to follow the procedure, and because the system is probably cumbersome and time consuming. One of the above options may make things easier.


Very informative blog post. I have a question for you regarding a firm file room. I am the Legal Services Manager of a 12 attorney/4 legal assistant office. We have approximately 5,000 active files located in a central file room. Do you have any suggestions regarding the tracking of files once they are removed from the file room. Everyone in the office has access to the files. We have sign out sheets, but only a few use them and we need to revamp the system. Hope you can give me some advice. Thank you for your assistance.

Executive Office Furniture

Thanks for care tips and advice for organizing paper files in a law office..its very helpful I will note what you have said.

Allison Shields

Alyssa, Thanks for your comment. I think the best approach is to sit down with your boss and have a frank conversation with him about what he expects and what you think you can do to help get him organized. If you don't know what things are or how important they are, you cannot organize for him. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible for someone else (on their own) to organize an individual; you can help him, and you can work together to agree on how things should be organized, but you are not in his head, so it would probably not be wise for you to go in and organize his office on your own.


I am an assistant at a small law firm that is quite unorganized. I can rarely find things they are looking for from before I started here. My boss has a SEVERE case of "I need to see it syndrome", but I think I am expected to get his office organized without him next to me to tell me what things are/what he wants to do with them. Where should I start?!

shredding San Antonio

These are very helpful tips in organizing paper files in a law office. This information are very effective in dealing with paper clutter concerns in this type of office. Thanks for sharing a very informative article.


Appreciate this post. Let me try it out.

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  • 631-642-0221

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