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May 14, 2012


Voice Recorder

Facebook is a the best way for sharing content
photographs with your friends, but there are few things that shouldn’t be shared on the world’s largest social networking website

Flood Insurance Claims

Facebook is a social network site it is the best way to share any thing like photos, videos, links, and create pages and apps.

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Thanks for sharing this information its really nice.

Santosh Mishra

Facebook is a the best way for sharing content, photographs with your friends, but there are few things that shouldn’t be shared on the world’s largest social networking website. I’ve written about 5 things you should never do on Facebook.


Enjoyed the post :) Thanks for Sharing such a nice Facebook Trick

Motorbike Accident Claim

The use of Facebook is endless. Three cheers to it. Thanks for sharing this information.

Allison Shields

Interesting -- what is it that makes you think Google+ has more utility for law firms than Facebook? Is it simply the connection to Google and the potential search results boost?

My lawyer

Useful post - can see the benefits of LinkedIn, twitter and google+ but even though facebook is huge, not sure it's that useful for law firms based on experience to date. Just our opinion.

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