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November 28, 2012


Allison Shields


While you are correct (and I address this issue in the video), the fact is that Pinterest's terms of service aren't much different than the terms of service of any other social media network like Facebook, etc. You always need to be mindful of copyright issues when posting photos, etc. of others' work. Most of the time, this is a larger issue if you're posting a photographer's images, rather than most of the images that you would most likely be pinning for business reasons. And most people who make their images, etc. available for pinning WANT them to be shared.



A word of warning...be careful with Pinterest and what you pin, especially if it is someone else's work. In the terms & conditions, you agree that you have permission to pin what you are pinning from the copyright owner. If you do not, then don't pin it. A link back to the source is not good enough. Without permission, you could be liable for copyright infringement.

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  • Allison C. Shields
  • 631-642-0221

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