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February 20, 2013


michael webster

Allison writes: "Lawyers are busy enough as it is, but to compete in today's market, they'll have to start producing content - quality content - on top of everything else they already have to do to attract and serve clients."

I agree with the observation about being busy. But, it is not helpful to get lawyers to write blog articles with primary goal to "attract and serve" clients.

You begin your apprenticeship as a writer by putting down on paper your ideas about an issue, so that you know what you think about the problem.

Later other people may be interested in your solutions. It is most important for you to get clear, however, first. (People, even lawyers, will write a lot if the purpose is to entertain themselves, first.)

Mark Merenda

I can do better than their eight principles, because I believe there is only one principle: Be Interesting.

Peggy Gruenke

Allison - thanks for sharing your article. I love the analogy to the marathon but like to add that it does not have to be a record breaking marathon run. I run and believe me it's not fast. But it is steady and deliberate. The other reason I like the running analogy is that running is a way to generate great content ideas. I usually rush into the house after a run and grab a notebook and start jotting down ideas. If I was smart, I'd take my phone with me and record the ideas as they come.
Good stuff!

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  • Allison C. Shields
  • 631-642-0221

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